Monday, December 24, 2012

You'll find...

Père Noël hanging around all over Paris!


  1. Oh yes, I´ve seen a lot of Pères de Noël. At the Christmas Market on the Champs Elysées I even saw one riding his sleigh...

  2. Nous vous souhaitons un Joyeux Noël et une très bonne année 2013. Nous ésperons que vous passez d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année. Bisous

  3. Dear Virginia...whenever I yearn for a glimpse of Paris...I open your blog and dream. You are so good about putting a new photo every day...wish I could do that. My New Years Resolution is to do something every day. We're busy planning a trip for August that will end in Paris in September where we'll stay for several weeks. Can't wait!
    Merry Christmas and a blessed 2013.
    You might enjoy the photos of our little boat parade that I posted recently at

  4. Joyeux Noël! Oui Virginia il ya un Père Noël! :-)

  5. Joyeux Noel, V...I sure hope no one cuts the ladder that's holding Santa up! Ha

  6. Merry Christmas to you, Virginia. Your photos have given me lots of happiness in this last year. :) I love the hanging Santa. And i love the bonus of the magnificent French window and shutters..

  7. Enjoying all of your photos leading up to Christmas which is now only a few hours away. Merry Christmas to you and a very Happy New Year!

  8. Oh, that is too cute!!! Hang on Santa!! :)))

  9. I adore seeing your photos each day of my favorite city that I have only been able to visit one time. Each photo reminds me of that most precious trip with my oldest son. The little Santa is such a perfect touch for this time of year that displays the whimsy and fun that is all about LOVE. Your photos are touching on many levels. Thank you.

  10. The question is Virginia is Santa trying to get in or trying to get out haha! Super fun image for Christmas, hope you had a good one..


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