Saturday, December 1, 2012

City Daily Photo Theme Day - My Street

 The view from our bedroom

For the past two years, my street in Paris has been our fabulous apartment on rue St. Roch. The tall windows overlook the Église St. Roch , and we wake up every morning to the sound of the church bells. Mon amie Mary and I are planning another trip this janvier.  La vie est belle!

Today I join City Daily Photobloggers around the world who are posting photos of their street right here.


  1. Loved this view every morning! Wish Genie and I were going with you and Mary!!!!

  2. What an iconic view of Paris: the gorgeous tall shuttered window with textured architecture across the street. (love it!)

  3. That sounds like a perfect location. The last time I was there I stayed in an apartment on St. Germain near the corner with St. Michel. Another good location.

  4. When Jay and I stayed there in Feb - he opened the shutters on Feb 14 and proclaimed "Happy Valentine's Day Jesus!"

  5. No better way to wake, beautiful...

  6. Oh, lucky you! I'd love to claim a street in Paris as "my own."

  7. Love those European windows. Wish I had them in my apartment.

  8. Wonderful picture indeed.
    Please have a good new month ahead.

    daily athens photo

  9. This is a very nice interpretation of the "my street" theme. I am glad to learn that you have plans to return to Paris in just over a month. Great!

  10. Beautiful realisation of the theme!

  11. Love the view from "your" Paris window! (Mine looks out on rue des Rosiers.)

  12. Wow! A magnificent way to start a day. Beautiful view, and lovely sound.

  13. Gorgeous view! I am so excited for you! A friend of mine arrived in Paris yesterday! :)

  14. What a gorgeous shot, and what a gorgeous view. It must make you so happy just seeing it. We stayed in the 2nd 2 years ago, and would often walk down rue St Roch, and I absolutely fell in love with Eglise St Roch, how wonderful to be so close to see it, and hear it all the time.


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