It's a lovely doorbell, V. If I had a doorbell like that, I'd actually fasten it to my door instead of tucking it discreetly where no-one can find it!!
j'adore - and totally agree with you, but sadly nowadays living your life in those beautiful places is becoming a bit more dangerous.... so we have both, yesterday's and today's technique, fashion, security! My friend, I see what you photograph as I see things with my own eyes too - we are soul sisters... :) Love
That Doorbell sure makes a statement. Best to know the owners before you ring it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lovely doorbell, V. If I had a doorbell like that, I'd actually fasten it to my door instead of tucking it discreetly where no-one can find it!!
ReplyDeleteSo much of Paris is a juxtaposition of the old and modern. This is lovely.
ReplyDeleteJ'ai manqué quelques unes de vos publications... et vos photos m'ont donnée beaucoup de plaisir...
ReplyDeleteDans cette dernière, oui tout comme vous je préfère la sonnette...
Gros bisous
Why would you be choosing when there is no choice?
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, V—though perhaps if I lived there I'd be glad for the security.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Virginia. Wrong century.
ReplyDeleteNow that is a doorbell!! How could you miss that.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great weekend, V. :)
Cela aurait été vraiment dommage de supprimer une si jolie sonnette à cause du modernisme...
j'adore - and totally agree with you, but sadly nowadays living your life in those beautiful places is becoming a bit more dangerous.... so we have both, yesterday's and today's technique, fashion, security!
ReplyDeleteMy friend, I see what you photograph as I see things with my own eyes too - we are soul sisters... :) Love