Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Les citrouilles

It's all about the presentation


  1. I agree V. We eat with our eyes first and then hopefully the food makes our taste buds sing. J.

  2. They look so fresh and yummy whilst being quite artistic in their form and presentation. The eye of a camera gives us a different perspective on life. Bisous

  3. I wouldn't have thought of pumpkins as looking 'jaunty' but these ones do! Happy Halloween to you and Meeps, V.

  4. A very different presentation than one would see in the U.S. since we generally use them for decorations rather than cooking. Nice shot.

  5. Perfect photo for today .... Even pumpkin vendors in Paris are artistic!

  6. Food that looks visually appealing is sure to taste better!

  7. No matter what the country, pumpkins are fantastique!!

  8. VIRGINIA! BONJOUR MA BELLE! Thank you for coming on by to congratulate me! Oh, those citrouilles are just magnificent! ENJOY YOUR DAY! Anita

  9. It would seem Halloween is making a comeback in Paris.

  10. A great photo! These pumpkins have a deeper orange color to them and the second pumpkin cut in half looks a bit like a spider web on the insides! HAH

    Happy Halloween, V :)

  11. Now I don't know what to say because what I thought to say as I saw your photo turned out to be exactly what YOU said! Well, I will say that it's a beautiful presentation—and a beautiful photo (comme toujours).

  12. Hmmm makes me think pumpkin soup not halloween! Sorry I didn't trick or treat as a kid it was never celebrated in Australia then! Gorgeous colour Carla x

  13. It looks like the stack is about to tip over! Great Halloween colors.


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