Sunday, October 21, 2012

High Tech à Paris

Some of us traipse up to the rooftop of Galeries Lafayette armed with large or small cameras to capture sunset in Paris with this spectacular view. Others  pull out their iPad.


  1. Yes you see more and more people taking photos with mobiles and iPads - a sign of the times

  2. Some of the best photos are really from a mobile !

  3. I haven't got used to people taking photos on ipads yet! I've got an ipad and don't think I've ever actually used it to take a photo, of course I can barely wrestle it out of the hands of my son.

  4. I see more and more people taking photographs with their iPads. I think it´s rather unhandy...

  5. P gave me an iPad for my birthday, I love it but I would feel a right nana taking photos with it, even though I believe they take great images..oh my I'm so old haha!!

  6. I don't have an iPad but use my phone quite a bit. I think the photos come out fairly well considering that I am not a very good photographer! HA This is why I visit you V, I get to look at gorgeous photos from a very talented lady! :)

  7. The iPad seems unwieldy to me. I'd rather use my iPhone for photos. Of course, once I get an iPad I'll have to give it a go out of curiosity. Perhaps I'll change my mind.

  8. My iPhone takes pretty good pictures, my iPad . . . not so much. Maybe a newer model takes better ones, but it just seems so awkward. On the whole, I think I'll stick with my trusty Sony Cybershot for now. :~}

  9. My husband would do that! lol. Great photo. Love the candids. He's probably so engrossed, he has no idea you snapped him. :)

  10. Great photo - they always make me laugh because they look so odd - but each to his/her own! Have a lovely week. F x

  11. A new concept for looked at first like he was reading a map or something...


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