Monday, October 29, 2012

A Travers les arbres

In January, the bare trees offer another view of la Tour Eiffel from Cimetière de Passy.


  1. I like this photo. Lots of "atmosphere..." It is special to look at the Old Lady through tree branches... a different perspective. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Wonderful photo. I am just now catching up on your photos after my trip to Paris and re-grouping here at home. The atmosphere of your photo is certainly appropriate for October in Paris and makes me wish that I could have stayed longer!

  3. Love the feel of winter in this photo - joyeux anniversaire, ma chère amie!

  4. The leaves that are still on the trees look like they are painted on and add a beautiful pop of color to your photo. :)

  5. You're obviously a glass-half-full person, V. Have a bon anniversaire, ma chère!

  6. I hope your birthday is going well!!

  7. so lovely .. i adore naked or almost naked tree limbs, they are so poetic reaching up to the sky ...

  8. Hi Virginia, the bare trees make for a very artistic view!


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