Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Paris Rouge - Les gèraniums

I'd be willing to bet that the gèraniums in Paris as still blooming their little hearts out even in septembre.
This little café near Place de la République made me smile all over again.


  1. Cela me donne envie de m'asseoir à cette table et de commander un expresso...

  2. Such a fabulous collage of greys and reds in this image. Well spotted V.

  3. What a lovely stop for 'un cafe' when in Paris!
    Lovely image Virginia.

  4. Red geraniums and a red chair - Paris at its best!

  5. So vivid, so bright, so welcoming... I keep re-falling in love with Paris!

  6. Gorgeous! When I look at my red geraniums starting to flower now as it gets warmer here in Perth, I'll imagine I'm in Paris, thanks Virginia.

  7. So pretty V! I love the rouge and white chair!

  8. Love love love geraniums - such happy simple flowers. How about a coffee here one day? Have a lovely day F xx

  9. Spots of red to make Virginia smile. Nice.

  10. I like your reds! We spent a lot of time in a hotel near Temple...

  11. Those are my mom's favorite color of geraniums!!! She had a row of them on our back patio, for as long as I can remember...she's gone now... I inherited them...but I don't think they've survived our move up here...they stayed south with my step daughter and her hubby...and they're thumbs aren't particularly green!!!

  12. Beautiful! If the primroses can bloom in February, I'm sure these are going strong now. This just makes me want to sit down in that chair and linger over a glass of something yummy.

  13. très typique
    nice scene
    wonderful shot
    yes they are still blooming (and so are mine even though it is always a degree cooler here..:) ) will send you a picture, am afraid you won't like bc mine are pink and not red..
    I change very year ;)
    the year you will visit, you have to let me know in plenty of time so I will make sure they will be red

  14. Just back from Boston. Guess what I found there? http://flic.kr/p/de7cuV


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