Friday, September 28, 2012

L'heure de fermeture

Paris waiters keep long hours and I'm sure when the last patron leaves, they are ready to lock the doors for the night.


  1. Il est vrai que si les serveurs avaient un compteur on s'apercevrait qu'ils auraient fait un sacré nombre de kilomètres dans la journée !...
    Une très jolie capture. Gros bisous

  2. Seeing this and reading your post, V, a little seafood cafe I like popped into my head. When the owner has had enough, they start stacking chairs on the tables around you - and 'enough' can arrive as early as 8:00pm. Lucky his food is so good!

  3. I do like the way the cafes in Paris face the chairs towards the street. Enjoy the coffee, watch and be watched.

  4. It seems Jean-Claude is making his final check, non?
    Bon weekend, chere V de B!

  5. What a fun night that was with friends! Great capture and quick reflexes, mon amie.

  6. I can't imagine standing on my feet all day smiling and being at the mercy of customers. I give anyone who does this job my utmost respect and admiration. I hope the patrons tip good! :)

    Have a great weekend, V. :)

  7. Apparently, Kristie has never been to France.

  8. Ah, but I loved sitting in those seats with an espresso and croissant watching the people walk by, and enjoying the sunshine.

  9. Brilliant b&w shot Virginia. Starman's comment made me laugh!


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