Monday, July 30, 2012

Flowers That Bloom at Midnight

Last January I met my friend Richard Nahem ( Eye Prefer Paris) for a quick photo shoot at Tuileries before we all had lunch and headed to the Cimetière des Chiens.  We went to photograph an installation by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama.  Quite a colorful and whimsical group of flowers it was!  Adjoining the carrousel, I'm sure it brought many smiles to the children that visit the gardens.  
Yesterday my blog friend JM, Oeiras Daily Photo featured some of her work and I recognized them immediately.  I decided it was the perfect time to post here and link to JM's post HERE.


  1. Colorful and fun! I enjoyed the ones on JM's site too...Thanks

  2. Remind me of the Triffids. :-/ That book scared me when I was young!

  3. I bet the kiddos really enjoyed this. Love the fun colors. :)

  4. YES!!! :-) These are the same flowers, the only diference is they are much larger than the ones at Louis Vuitton's store in Lisbon. Thank you, V.!

  5. How fantastic they look, I love the bright, vibrant colours against the wintry day.

  6. Love the flowers! Kusama had an exhibition at the Centre Pompidou when I was there last November, and she collaborated with Marc Jacobs for the "Infinitely Kusama" collection of Louis Vuitton.

  7. She has a very distinctive and orignal style. They look fab here in Paris and also in M. Vuitton's window in Lisbon.

  8. Magnifique! I just love outdoor sculpture, especially in Paris. Merci, Virginia. You make me dream again of going to Paris....

  9. These would look very much at home in a scene from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland...a superb splash of colour in the park.

  10. Yes...saw these midnight flowers in Brisbane before I left for Paris. Did a post on them too. Aren't they fab...just like the artist who created them!

  11. Many sculptures in the Tuileries come and go! Some of the flowers are still there. ... but I know that you are an expert on the Tuileries sculptures! :-)


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