Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm Melting

You'll love this story.  Several weeks ago I received an email from Austin watercolorist Richard Ewen.  Richard reads this blog and requested permission to paint one of my Paris windows.  He loves capturing Paris shop windows along with their reflections and after visiting his website,  my answer was of course, "YES!"  We chatted back and forth and I dug around in my archives and sent him a few more photos.  This one today caputured his fancy as a nice partner to the first photo.  He will exhibit this piece which he has titled  I'm Melting, in an Austin gallery for their upcoming show entitled 100 Degrees. Very fitting I'd say.  And as a side note, a large part of the U.S. is experiencing similar weather this week.  Feel like you're melting???


  1. This pretty much says it all here in Oklahoma! It has been 105 for the last 4 or 5 days. Very interesting photo!

  2. This is just beautiful and what talent Richard has. I love the pop of yellow for the backdrop, really shows the heat of summer. The windows of Paris are stunning and this one really captures the essence. Of course, the black/white tiles and the rouge are perfect!

  3. So interesting. He did this well. I have had several local organizations use my photos, but I don't think any artists have worked with them. Hot? Yes, it has been mid-90s and looks like it will be there for a few more days, but it has been OK compared with what the central part of the USA has had.

  4. Cool photo (and painting)! We're having very mild weather in Fort Lauderdale.

  5. Virginia, this looks fabulous! I think your photo and my painting hold up very well together! I changed the background color to make the effect warmer because the August show at Wally Workman Gallery in Austin is titled "100 Degrees". I changed the left foreground pillow to dark brown because I can never enter an ice cream shop or gelato store without eating some chocolate, and I made the tile black so that the dark red cherry pillows would stand out better. Thank you for your willingness to collaborate with me!

  6. Great interpretation here!
    God bless you!

  7. Fabulous vitrine and equally fabulous take on it by the artist. I'd be thrilled to bits if someone ever felt my pictures were good enough to paint.

  8. Richard is a fabulous artist!His painting is incredible!
    Melting? yes, we are!!!

  9. Thanks for showing us more of Richard's work, dear V. Isn't he amazing! And of course, your photos are such beautiful inspiration, no wonder.

  10. to bad he replaced your reflection with that shopping cart ...

  11. too bad, not 'to' bad .. duh on me

  12. wow! this is just picture perfect, kudos!
    Richard did made the photo look even livelier. ^0^

  13. Oh la!la! Monsieur Ewen is tres talented Virginia, but then he did have a gem to work with.

  14. Yes, I am definitely melting but how COOL for you Virginia!

  15. Wonderful shot V!!! 90 degrees at 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening up here in Mammoth where the average summer temp is mid 70's to low 80's...yep...we can relate!!!

  16. And of course, congratulations!!! He's a wonderful artist and did your work proud!!!


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