Saturday, March 24, 2012

Morning Walk

First let me say, "Pardon, pardon, et pardon!" for the mess I made of my blog yesterday. It was typos in the title,  words in the wrong places and well,  just un grand désordre!  So today, I'll try to make amends with one of my favorites,  one I've been hoarding saving,  for a special day.


  1. Well, i missed yesterday's post, so no harm done :-) Love this one, though! A special shot, no doubt. Love la Butte-aux-Cailles too! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. This is a special one. Love all the different reds at the end of the street. The sun is shining on Paris again today!

  3. J'adore me promener dans les rues le matin tôt lorsque le jour pointe... La ville alors vous appartient.
    Cette photo est très belle avec ses lanternes.
    Gros bisous et bon week-end.

  4. Splashes of your darling red, dear V ~ no wonder it's one of your favourites. Thank you for sharing your treasure trove with us...

  5. Looks like the beginning of a day to treasure with lots of sunshine.

  6. Nice job. All is forgivin bout de typose. Thnk godness Wee dont mke mystakes :)

  7. What a nice narrow street! I love the lamps and the reds!

  8. Indeed, a special photo. I love the repetition of the lanterns and the Paris rouge. And I love your 'signature' on the photograph - done in cursive it adds a certain 'je ne sais quoi'.

  9. Sometimes writers will put in an error just to see if the readers are paying attention. That excuse works for me and your welcome to use it

  10. Oh that is beautiful. Love the lanterns.

    It appears he is walking up hill. Is this near Montmartre?

  11. Just gorgeous Virginia. I love the street lamps lining the way and you just know at the end of the road there will be a boulangerie selling fresh bread and pasties to take home for breakfast. I think I might have just drooled on my laptop haha!

  12. I feel as though I could walk right into this photo (if only). You've more than made amends—not that any need to be made, and that's coming from someone who corrects grammar for a living!

  13. A quaint place, perfect for a walk indeed! Thanks for sharing!
    God bless you!

  14. If we charming, beautiful streets like that around here, i'd NEVER stop walking! What a way to spend a sunny morning. :)

  15. What a charming street with the reds at the end. Gorgeous

  16. Love this angle with the rouge at the end of the narrow street. I think that I had a shot from the top looking down. The lanterns are fabulous!

  17. Janey, this is Butte aux Cailles neighborhood. Trés charmant!

  18. Your photos more than make up for it - and until you pointed it out - I don't pick up on it! I was horrified recently to see my blog title read" My life on a Scabble board"!!!!! That darn elusive "r" ...... have a lovely day tinged with touches of rouge! Francesca

  19. Mistakes yesterday? Glad I didn't visit. If I ever make a mistake, I am going to blame it on blogger. (A pretty neighborthood you show today.)

  20. Every day would be a good one with a morning walk start like that one!
    Bonne journee, V de B!

  21. How wonderful to be able to 'se promener' along these streets and alleys, with a clear sky and the option of a nice cafe around the corner I suspect! The lamps are gorgeous and that red just leads us on.

  22. Ah well I missed the mess .. I was out of town .. this is a wonderful POV

  23. Good street photography. The lamp's add beauty to the pic.


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