Friday, March 9, 2012

Bienvenue à l'Oisive Thè, Salon de Thè

I learned about this charming shop from another Paris blog months before my trip last January.  I contacted Aimee, the owner ( who is an American) and told her to expect us.  We found the shop at 10 rue de la Butte aux Cailles our last day in Paris.  We arrived a bit early ( it opens at 12:00) which gave us time to stroll the neighborhood and take a lot of wonderful photographs.  Once inside, we ordered our tea and I took as many photographs as I could between sips.  As you can see, Aimee not only serves tea,  but colorful yarns as well. What a terrific combination!

You can follow them on Facebook here


  1. I'll keep this address, this is my kind of pace!

  2. Hello Virginia,
    oh thank you for sharing..will def add to my must visit list to Paris!
    have alovely weekend
    Hugs&XX Colette

  3. THis is my kind of shop too.Thank you for the tip

  4. Il est bon de retrouver vos oeuvres après plus de 6 semaines d'absence... Je rentre tout juste des Philippines...
    Il serait bon également d'aller prendre du temps dans cette charmante boutique... Votre photo m'inspire...
    Gros bisous

  5. will also add this in my to go list. ^0^
    love the set of displays.

  6. Hmm, looks like a tea-sipping, k-nitter's paradise!
    Can you k-nit, V de B?!
    bon weekend

  7. Love the colors! What an interesting (and eclectic) combination!

  8. Such a cozy combination...and colorful too!

  9. martinealison, welcome back! We've missed you.

    Leif, I sure can knit but didn't buy anything that day as I have a bag of unfinished projects here at home!

  10. This is a charming place for sure!
    Lovely composition,

  11. My kind of place for sure. I am in the midst of learning how to knit socks - just "turned" my first heel. I'll definitely plan to visit this shop. Adding it to my 'little black Paris book' this very minute.

  12. Is this where cher Mary bought me the wonderful tea?

  13. What a warm, colorful display. I'll bet Aimee is warm and colorful too—and she let you take all the photos you wanted (for that she gets beaucoup points in my book)!

  14. That's right up my alley! I'd love to sip tea and work on my latest stitching.

  15. Just catching up with your beautiful photos. What an amazing place to take tea :-)

  16. Fun colors, but what I really love is that "foot" modeling a sock while one is having tea! Cute!

  17. I love this shop and have taken photos from the outside on my trips in November and with Holly in January. I should have gone in for tea and a knitting lesson!

  18. It must be a colorful place. The yarn colors are gorgeous. Glad you enjoyed it.

  19. I'm in love with the yellow teapot Virginia. What a very delightful place it does look!

  20. Thank you Virginia for sharing this little gem! I'm a knitter and tea lover and will definitely add this to my list of places to visit on our next trip to Paris!!

    And to Harriet, who just turned her first heel, HOORAYY!!! (with every sock I make I feel a sweet sort of giddiness!)

  21. Denise,
    Thank you for visiting today. I hope you will come often. I will have more from this cute shop. VIsit them on FB if you like and see what they offer.

    I can't "do" sock needles!

  22. I love the combination of all these yarns and the teapots. I have already come across this café on some blog, but never been there.

  23. Lovely! And yes.. i'm following them now. Yet another place in want to visit in person.

  24. A feast for the eyes as well as the stomach. Lovely.


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