Thursday, March 1, 2012

100 French Stangers - Louie

French Stranger #79 

Yesterday I told you that I snapped that photo while Mary and I were strolling through a small playground on rue de la Butte aux Cailles.  Today meet my new little friend Louie.  Louie's mom kindly allowed me to take his picture. He tried out all of the playground equipment while I snapped away. Très mignon!


  1. How cute is Louie we love a cooperative Mum!! and an even more cooperative subject :)
    Congrats on the big project let me know more xx
    Carla x

  2. He's oh! so cute and very French ..... How nice of his Mum to let you snap away ... Beautiful!

  3. Louie is adorable Virginia, such blue eyes and cute little pouty lips. It must have been very chilly, he's well rugged up there!

  4. It says a lot about a culture that will let a stranger photograph their kids.
    Sadly, this would never happen in NYC, too bad, but perhaps understandable.
    Thank you for enlightening me to the pet cemetery, odd that someone knew poor Tipsy was buried in diamonds, sounds like an inside job to me. I am sure Tipsy knows she is loved sans jewelry and that is all that matters.
    X David

  5. Adorable, and he looks very much a Louie. You have such a trustworthy face, dear V, no wonder his kind mum gave you permission!

  6. ADORABLE! I think he looks a bit like Davis must have looked at that age... just precious and glad you could take his photo(s)!

  7. Relly charming! (... and the weather is much milder now. Closed my heating... at least until further.)

  8. He is beautiful.

    Weird though. This came up yesterday on my Ipad. I was surprised that I saw it this morning as Thursdays post. Am I seeing into the future?

  9. Louis is adorable and tres chic .. I want his hat!

  10. Tres mignon indeed, V de B! Love his hat! Nice portrait of a French "Stranger."

  11. What an adorable little boy. He looks so cute with that lovely hat.

  12. A really cute little stranger in France.

  13. Adorable; I love that you were so polite to ask his Mom first.

  14. I love little boys!
    The French dress their children so beautifully!!

  15. Lord have mercy I think my ovaries just grew back. What a SWEET BOY!!

  16. Oh those eyes! ET Suzy's comment made me spit water at my computer screen! ;}

  17. Great portrait! E.T.Suzy's comment has me laughing as well.

  18. His mom clearly knows he's too cute to resist—and maybe Parisian mamans aren't as paranoid as some over here. Anyway, who could possibly say no to you, V?

  19. O mon Dieu! C'est mignon!


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