Friday, December 9, 2011

The Waiter

I recognized this handsome waiter at Nemours from another trip to Paris. That sunny afternoon he served us champagne outside. This rainy January day, we had a cozy lunch inside.  I'm amazed at how many photographs I snapped from my seat that last day in Paris.


  1. Un lieu bien distingué tout comme le serveur...
    Gros bisous et merci pour cette belle photo.

  2. I am not amazed that you look around, see, take it all in, and then photograph vividly and splendidly. Not amazed or surprised. I think it's in your breathing.

  3. OMG V. Your waiter looks JUST like my old boyfriend. Wait. That IS my old boyfriend!!! -- Kidding. ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. He could play the young Mr Big in SATC! I love Parisian cafes. x

  5. I always hate that "last day" - the trip is over - gotta go home - zut alors!
    Quand meme, bon weekend chere V de B!

  6. Ha ha! I tried taking pictures of waiters when I was in France, but I was just too conspicous. One at Le Comptoir des Saint-Peres looked exactly like a children's book character called Prince Cinders. The other, at the Auberge Ravoux, was the spitting image of Neville Longbottom.

  7. I like your new banner!
    Does he know that he is now famous among the blogosphere?...:o)

  8. Malyss, I am going to try and take some prints to Paris for my "favortes"! :)

    Pup, Well I call this one Monsieur Dreamy! HA

    Leif, The last day is always bittersweet.

    Lynnette, What is really funny is I hesitate to ever pull my camera out in a cafe. This day, I was in Last Day Mode and was snapping everything that stood still long enough. I've posted at 4 or 5 photos from that one luncheon!

  9. Yep, he is handsome, but I snapped a photo of the famous Bartender at P.J.Clarks in NYC, he was also a cutie pie.
    Our minds seem to be intune.


  10. A very typically Parisian shot....very evocative...

  11. He's lovely! as is that cafe counter. Ah, Paris...

  12. Looks like something caught his interest.

  13. One more of your great Paris photographw Virginia.

  14. Definitely a blog-worthy specimen, ce jeune homme! I always get even more snap-happy on the last day, trying to take as many pics as possible before I have to get on that darn plane.

  15. C'mon, Virginia, just say it. You had the hots for this guy. It is OK to have a little crush.

  16. Love the way you change banners. This one is gorgeous and you use such a delicate font.
    The water is really Mr.Big just more handsome. Did you catch his smile?

  17. Jack, Guilty as charged. Le sigh........ :)

    Natalie, I have a short attention span so the banners change, the songs just never know! :)

    Alex, I think we are kindred spirits Darlin'!

  18. Love it! It might be interesting in black and white too...


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