Thursday, December 15, 2011

Le Tour de Macarons - Printemps

Macarons verts. Pistache peut-être?  Pour toi Peter! 

As magical as most of the windows are, designed to bring a smile to the faces of les petits enfants, some of Printemps windows made our jaws drop!  This tower of macarons is just one fine example. I have more.

For my macaron aficionados, here's a link to Paris Pâtisseries' blog that you will enjoy!

My new Paris Through My Lens 2012 Weekly Planner is now available on Blurb!


  1. Une nouvelle sorte de "Pièce montée".

  2. I suspect you know how much I love this one, V. Chandelier, flowers, porcelain, macarons ~ I'm in heaven. {Wonderful idea to make a planner available ~ I had a peep and it's gorgeous!}

  3. Hello Virginia...
    Can you email me at I have a little Christmas decoration to send to you... xv

  4. A feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds! Lovely shades of green ...

  5. Yummy macarons!! I love, love the elegant dishes and chandelier! Christmas is such a magical, special time!

  6. What a brilliant window display Virginia, it's just so lush, a veritable feast for the eyes.

  7. This display is fabulous, rich , beautyful!

  8. Hmmm they are delicious!And they made a wonderful decoration as well!
    So beautiful picture, congrats!

  9. I wonder if they used anything to "help" build the tower?

  10. This is the best Christmas window so far!
    The chandelier is precious.
    Delicious colours, light and composition, not to mention macarons tower. I've got to run for a handful of chocolates at least right away.
    And thank you for a wonderful link to Paris Patisseries.

  11. What a beautiful festive look for Chrtistmas. Can't wait to try one.


  12. Oh Heavens! I was reading a recipe for macaroons called Banana Chantilly tonight. Would I love to have those to use for my chantilly! I will share: one cup mashed bananas, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tbsp. lemonjuice, 1 cup whipping cream, mint leaves, red cherries. Combine the banana pulp with the salt, lemon juice, whisk the banana pulp into the banana mixture. Spread between macaroons which have already been prepared. use mint and cherries to decorate. used at Christmas time...a bed and breakfast recipe from The Lodge on the Desert in Tucson Az.

  13. Oh, sorry, must freeze for three hours in the refrigerator tray.

  14. 32, MErci! I hope some will give this a try. I"m sadly not a baker but do love it when others do! :)

    Of course I"ve not seen this year's windows but I hear via the grapevine that the GL windows are tres How sad, it's all about the children I think. Even the GL tree is black with rock and roll!!! See Genie's blog for a photo of that.

  15. Oh dear, I meant to say whisk the whipping cream into the banana pulp mixture...sorry I did not edit it sooner...desole! Just too excited about that mountain of macaroons when I have 14 bananas waiting to be used.

  16. This is so Beautiful! The French know how to dress a window.


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