Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Le pot d'or grands!

Oh I made fun of the big gold pot  when it was proudly displayed on the plaza outside of the Centre Pompidou a while back.  Then it was taken away but alors, it has found a new home up on the roof joined by a smart little red flocked tree.  Say what you will, I still think some artist is laughing all the way to la banque over that one.

My newest wall calendar, PARIS THROUGH MY LENS 2012 is now available HERE on Zazzle!


  1. It's fun, that "grand pot d'or" Virginia! ;-) I have never seen it myself. Does this mean I have to go up to the roof of the Beaubourg museum to see it?! Congrats on releasing your calendar. I will look it up. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. C'est vraiment un pot d' or.
    Joyeux Noel Virginia.

  3. I'm with you, kid.

    There is an American artist who does huge versions of everyday things., His name is on the tip of my tongue, but regrettably, my tongue is too far from the keyboard to get it out today.

  4. C'est la mode des grands pots! il y en a partout maintenant! mais c'est le seul que je connaisse qui soit doré.

  5. Le père noël est peut-être caché dans ce magnifique pot... Notre sapin en rougit de surprise!... Gros bisous
    Belle prise.

  6. I am not sure about the scale of the pot and the tree. Does it look like a mushroom in the horse paddock.

    Helen xx

  7. We could say that it's a RED tree, couldn't we?!

  8. Each to their own!
    May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you and your family in 2012.

  9. I have to say one of the things I love about the French is their quirky sense of humour, I so get it! Wonder where this will appear next Virginia.

  10. we have some like that in Brussels, they function as street lights at night

  11. First of all that image is fantastic the way the red tree stands out in front of that large pot. There is a similar pot in Tokyo not quite as large that i luv to photograph using a slow shutter while people are walking in front of it, but the way you shot it is stunning.


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