Tuesday, December 6, 2011

L'arbre dans la fenêtre

Hôtel de Ville

Today, I am pleased to introduce you all to a new blog friend, Natalie.  She has just launched her new blog 
Jewel Yet to Find.  Natalie is a traveler ( but adores Paris), so she starts with the south of France with an armload of divine photos, but who knows where she'll take us next with her wonderful eye!

I hope all of you will stop by for a visit and follow her blog.  Isn't it so much fun to make new friends here?


  1. Your beautiful photo has me wondering if I should put a tree in the upstairs window here and entertain the possums. I suspect they'd rather I simply throw them more food. {I've just visited Natalie's blog ~ she's been very busy already! All the best to her ~ her writing and photos are lovely.}

  2. Your picture sounds like a ghost from the past Xmas haunting the house...

  3. I love a monotone background with a splash of color, and you captured it here for me!!!! Anita

  4. I 'ope zat your photo of the Christmas tree top is just a foretaste of the feast to come!
    Bonne journee, V de B!

  5. Some of my dearest friends were met this way .. and I love this photo ..

  6. Oh dear Virginia, thank you so much for your heartfelt introduction to the blogging community. It's such a privilege to be your friend and be able to reach out to kindred spirits throughout the blogosphere.
    The gorgeous video from your blog is my lullaby .
    And you've set such a high blog standard I'm looking up to.

  7. The colors and architecture are beautifully displayed in your photo.

    I have visited Natalie's blog and love her photos and descriptions.

  8. That tree!

    What a cozy touch for such a huge building.

    Fantastic photo, V.

    P.S. I´ll visit Natalie´s blog right after I finish this comment.

  9. Beautifully illuminated Virginia, the tree and the building.

  10. A mysterious Christmas tree dans l'Hôtel de Ville... I agree with Malyss: It makes me think of a ghost, teasing us as it drifts past the tall windows... Will visit your new friend right this minute. How nice of you to introduce her on your blog! A bientôt, M'dame Virginia. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  11. Gorgeous, V! (I can't get enough of the Hotel de Ville.) Thanks for introducing us to Natalie—her blog is a real treat. And yes, meeting friends here is a wonderful thing. Some of my best friends are blogpals, and that includes the ones I've actually met and the ones I feel I know already.

  12. This is a nice, understated holiday display. Those guys have style over there, don't they?

  13. Great photo! The Christmas tree is so unexpected!


Merci pour votre comment!