Monday, November 21, 2011

Paris Rouge LXXVI - le Métro

Forgive the tourist shot today, but I loved the vine covered wall behind the Métro sign.
Saint- Germain- des- Pres 


  1. Classically Paris ...I love looking through your lens.

  2. Metro, souvent aussi Metropolitain en entier vert sur fond jaune, ou parfois, un simple M jaune. Pas d'unité dans la signalétique, c'est tant mieux, même si cela peut être un casse tête pour les étrangers

  3. this picture is "very parisian", no doubt! St Germain is such a mythic place...

  4. In that very vicinity there are some wonderful murals on the wall of a church, too.

  5. Hee, I've drawn that sign... or its twin. Another beauty, V.

  6. All of Paris and ALL who visit her love every corner and crack, every monument and ghetto....she is beloved....Anita

  7. Ha -- I recognized this Metro stop -- the little hotel Genie and I stayed in on our first trip to Paris was close by..

  8. its such a nice fall/winter shot ... the red contrasting with the orange/rusty leaves .. I can smell autumn in the air

  9. Alain, OUI un casse tête pour moi! :)

    M, I think I remember that.

    Julie, I have to find that mural!!

    Thank you all for your comments. I love reading what you have to say everyday when you stop by for a visit!!!

  10. Well, if it is a tourist shot, it is a successful one, Virginia. Well done. Love that "vigne-vierge" (or at least that's what I think it is) on the wall, too. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  11. The sign is actually very striking filmed against the vined wall.

  12. Don't apologize! It's a classic for a reason—and you've done it proud with this shot, V.

  13. I love this candleabra style Metro sign! And you even got the ivy in it! Well done, V.

  14. I love that sign, I can't resit taking a picture when passing by...

  15. I never worry too much about tourist shots. The reasons they are popular is that they are pretty and interesting.

  16. Several people have beaten me to it: there's a reason people love to take this shot!

  17. It's gorgeous Virginia, it's classic, it's Paris!!

  18. Mais non, Madame! I don't think that is a tourist shot - what would Paris be without le Metro?!
    Your Paris blog always starts my day off on the right step - and the dream to revisit Paris again soon...
    Merci beaucoup, V de B!


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