Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spring Cleaning la Pyramide

Oh I can hear what you're saying, "Why on earth is Virginia posting this shot? Every tourist on the planet has taken this one!". Well I have a little Louvre trivia pour toi aujourd'hui. Ever wonder how they clean all that glass? ( Paris is full of pigeons you know.) I'm sure I.M. Pei never gave that a thought when he designed it. Well it's obviously a job too big for a Frenchman with a squeegee! Look closely and you will see the little robot that does it effortlessly. You just never know what you'll learn on PTML!


  1. Well that is one shot that most tourists would have missed!

  2. L'architecte aurait pu prévoir de grands "essuie-glaces".

  3. Ahhhh...leave it to the FRENCH to solve the problem in such a COOL WAY!!! Anita

  4. My hubby, who is an architect absolutely loves this pyramid. I, on the other hand, have a very difficult time reconsiling moder and traditional so immediately situated side by side. Having that said, I have ever confidance that French know exactly what to do since nobody in the world is as great in presentation of any kind as French themselves.

  5. How fascinating. A robot. Very clever. We were in Germany once and the windows in the car were dirty and we stopped at a very small store off on the autobahn to get Windex and paper towels. Once inside the store my husband realized he didn't know the word for Windex in German. So he did a mime version of spritzing and wiping. Even through the language barrier, he returned with window cleaner and paper towels. Sure wish we had had a robot instead.

  6. J'adore the photo and the trivia! But just think, the machine is taking a job away from several men with squeegees!

  7. Une belle prise ma chère... Comparable à une belle jeune femme qui discrètement essuierait une larme qui coule de son petit mouchoir... Dame Pyramide a, elle, son petit robot!...
    Gros bisous

  8. Well I never!!How fantastic is that. I really love to learn something new every day and especially about Paris. Thanks Virginia, will look out for that next time.

  9. Very interesting blog. When we were there we commented on how they cleaned the glass, now we know!

  10. Having seen washers on much more high glasses, I think the problem is more the weight of people. A robot is really a great idea, I did not know that!

  11. I never got to see that, but in Frankfurt, I got to see the men cleaning the window roof of My Zeil, which is a lot bigger than the Louvre Pyramid.

  12. More education from Virginia! You answer a question I have never asked but should have. Gee, Virginia, these days even your color photos look monochrome. Except when you have macarons!

  13. That is so incredibly interesting!

  14. learn something new every day. How interesting! Thanks V!

  15. That is so neat! I definitely learned something new and it's cool shot too!


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