Saturday, August 20, 2011

J'ai une boule rouge sur la têt

In Paris, I'm always amused and entertained by the creative street artists. I love walking down a street or across a bridge and finding someone like this that makes me smile... and take a lot of photos!


  1. I love that he turned - just a little for your lens. x

  2. So ... when do you think you shall return for another 'dose'?

  3. One of the joys of Paris is never knowing what you're going to find around the next corner! I'm not sure of the purpose of this rouge bump on his head but he got you to stop and take his picture!

  4. Love the characters of Paris and particularly the smile of this guy... glad you caught him!

  5. Not to mention the 'rouge' braces Virginia, I think you can spot an image with a touch of red a mile away haha!

  6. Les français sont magnifiques et doués de talent!!!! MIGNON! Anita

  7. Can you figure out how the minds of guys like this work? "Gee, I think I will shave off all of my hair except a little tuft, and I will die that tomato red." Umm, OK . . .

  8. Trop bizarre! Mais il est mignon. Un bon image et merci pour la partage.

  9. Oh yes ! This guy is funny ! And he has always little plastic chairs for the children to sit and watch his show.


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