Friday, July 29, 2011

Paris From Above - A Breathtaking View

I have climbed the 6 bagillion steps to the dome of the Sacré-Coeur twice.  I'm glad I took so many photographs to prove it!  BTW, I googled my brains out trying to find out exactly how many steps from the basement to the dome. I think Peter counted them one by one the last trek, but he's away on vacances so we'll have to await  his return for that tidbit.  Meanwhile, enjoy the view that  most of you probably will never have!


  1. Une photo époustouflante... Magnifique... Quelle vue!! Quelle chance aussi ont les oiseaux n'est-ce pas?...
    Gros bisous...

  2. Not bad. NOt bad at all. How good are you? Name the Blvd running out at 2 o'clock. Name the green patch to the left of the small dome. Name the green patch to the right of the small dome.

  3. isn't it strange that it is so hard to find out how many steps it takes to reach this point (of view)?
    you think that this would be mentioned in all the Montmartre guide books.
    I am enjoying your picture and the "wow" view

  4. I'm glad we went up too V! And, will probably never do it again... Not because of the stairs, but the enclosed spaces. Too claustrophobic!

  5. Salut, V!
    Is that Lauren of Paris CDP blog standing down there on the rooftop terrace?! Over to the right.....

    9,876,4551 steps to the top of the Sacre'-Coeur dome!
    bon weekend, y'all

  6. FABULOUS...what a climb but oh, so worth it :)
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. For that view, I'd brave the six bagillion steps too, V ~ but I think the enclosed spaces Maya describes could get to me!

  8. What a great view, and I'm afraid I probably will never do all of that climbing to see it first hand, so thank you! Yes to Leif Hagan, I think that must be Laurent. However, right now he's MIA.

  9. Did a little Googling myself and someone wrote there were over 400 steps but they hadnt been to the basement so ...

    That is such an amazing photo .. so crisp the background makes me think of your map!

  10. Une belle vue de ne jamais oublier.
    Une grande photographie de Paris.
    Avoir un beau week-end Virginia.

  11. Stunning view of Paris Virginia and definitely my favourite one. The first time I saw that view it just took my breath away and Sacre Coeur itself is so white and magnificent, just love it. Have a happy weekend.

  12. What a tremendous view! You have good legs to have climbed to the top – my knees are hurting right now just thinking about it. And do you know why the view is so nice? Well because laws were enacted to bar high buildings from Paris – nothing higher than approximately 6 floors. All other capitals have sky scrapers or tall buildings in their panorama. But you know, French conservative Pres Sarkozy wants to stop that and allow developers to build tall buildings in Paris. I read this: “Current regulations do not allow for the creation of towers above 37 meters in Paris without a special permission, but Sarkozy said he's not opposed to tall buildings.” I hope he won’t get re-elected – luckily I can still vote, so I’ll vote against him and we can keep our beautiful view.

  13. Kudos, Virginia. This one is special. So far I have not had this view, but I will take up your challenge and do it some day. I have climbed many other monuments, duomos, castles, cathedrals and the like and would love to do this one. Have a great weekend.

  14. Wow! You should be proud of yourself—for the climb AND the great photo (in which there are hardly any tall buildings, merci). Meanwhile, I'd like to tell Sarkozy what he can do with his tall buildings au milieu de Paris.
    Not too worried, though—believe the Parisians regret and detest the horrible Tour Montparnasse too much to make that mistake again. At least I hope so!

  15. I might not make that climb--I'm a tad claustrophobic myself. I did the 400 or more steps at Notre Dame, though, and it was well worth it.

    What a view this is, Virginia! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  16. Thanks for making the climb and taking the shot so I don't have to! Very nice view and I'm actually tempted to go at least to the top of the hill now to try a tilt-shift photo from the top of the hill. Thanks, V!

  17. I"m glad you enjoyed the trip up WITHOUT the huffing and puffing. Maya, Janet , Peter and I made it and enjoyed the photo ops that many don't get to enjoy.

    PS Read JB's comment. He is Monsieur Researcher so I"m assuming he's right.


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