Saturday, July 16, 2011

Les fleurs et la réflexion

rue Claude Bernard
I just loved the buildings reflected in the shop window. Almost like a garden growing in front of them.

Merci to my friend Vicki Archer who shared this French artist on her blog, French Essence this week.
Amélie- des-crayons sings Le Linge de Nos Mères .


  1. Beautiful reflection! I would stop at the boulangerie and buy some bread then cross the street for some lovely flowers! Shhh, Paris!

  2. What a WONDERFUL shot! Wishing I were in Paris this very minute.

  3. Those flowers have a wonderful view of some very expensive, "Fancy Nancy" real estate 'a Paris!

  4. That is such a pretty reflection Virginia, mind you, is there any other type in Paris!!

  5. The reflection is so perfect that I did not see it at first sight! Great shot!(And being a bench's lover, I love this old one under the flowers!)

  6. beautiful shot VIrginia - 8 weeks from today I'm there!!! Allan

  7. Allan, and I can hardly wait for your trip my friend. I hope I'll get special treatment and receive daily emails with photos of every minute!

    Malyss, oui the bench is for you!

    Perth, I know, it's all so photogenic.

    Leif, HA Fancy Nancy...c'est vrai!

    Harriet, the boulangerie was on the corner of our apt.

    Marie, moi aussi!

  8. Not sure what's better, the flowers or the reflection! But it's all Paris, so all good.

  9. What I like in the flower shops, is the old odds'n'sodds they use to obtain the 3rd dimension for their display: old boxes, bakers's trays, laders, wooden benches ...


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