Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't Stand in Paris Traffic...

unless it's for a good shot....but hurry!

( I love this, I don't know why but it's just Paris for me and also a night shot that I don't get often)


  1. Combien de souvenirs ici!!!!!!! Thank you Virginia!

  2. I think we should just do a night trip to Paris. Sleep during the day, wander about shooting photos at night!

  3. And as I remember, those middle divider cement things aren't very big to stand on! Great night photo, V!

  4. Great sequence of red signs, I'm always enchanted by city night lights, this picture is brilliant!Congratulations!

  5. I love it too. What a thrill taking "that" photo. x

  6. What a coincidence, I was just there hier (yesterday) on our way to Galeries Lafayette.

  7. Well done, personally I find those snap and run nite shots the best .. I often wonder if the time we take to think about what we're shooting doesnt take away something .. OTOH I looked at my photo of those chairs/tables you posted yesterday and mine, taken 'snap and run' truly sucks ... deleted it.....

  8. Awwww, take a petite risk for a great shot. I think that Marie pulled me out of the street more than once in April - hah! Love the night shot, V.

  9. There she goes; sacrificing herself for another awesome night photo! Lovely image!

  10. Totally worth the risk for this shoot-and-run photo, V!

  11. Been there done that! This brings back the feelings of being out there and the rush of the cars as I try to get the shot. Great night shot!

  12. I'm guessing there was a bit of adrenaline flowing when you were braving the traffic for this wonderful photo. You can never predict what a Southern girl is gonna do!

  13. Incredible V ! But how did you manage this? I know the French are crazy drivers!!

  14. Ha ha -- I was going to say that Genie had to rescue me!!! I guess we are all crazy enough to risk traffic for the "perfect" shot! This is a wonderful Paris rouge!

  15. Now it's time to confess. Mary didn't spill the beans that during our Jan'10 trip while doing a quick la Tour Eiffel night jaunt, I lost my mind and ran across the "roundabout" and got mightily honked at by irate Paris drivers. No photo , just stupide!!!


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