Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Slice of Paris

This day, as Richard, Mary and I toured the great Mondrian exhibit at the Pompidou, we spotted this unusual window.  I actually asked a guard for permission to take this photo. He told me to be quick...and I was!  


  1. que belo enquadramento

  2. Paris ! Almost any way you slice it, the city of light shines.

    We lived about a block away from the Pompidou center for well over a year quite a while back, in the rue Quincampoix... a fun one to pronounce...

  3. This photo reminds me when I lived in Prague. A friend of mine bought a flat in the center. The walls were terrible, it was cold. But in this flat there was a little window in the bathroom and there you could see the castle. He said: "the best flat ever" He was right!

  4. You played by the rules—and we benefit! Thanks to you both for this great composition.

  5. I never ask permission because the answer is usually 'no'. It works better if I just take the picture and apologize for breaking the rules if I'm caught.

  6. I asked a guard today if I could take pictures in the Monet water lilies exhibition at the Wadsworth Atheneum. He said not in that exhibition, but anywhere else in the museum so long as there was no flash. It made me feel a tad guilty when I squeezed off a verboten shot anyways (alas too blurred to use).

  7. Jack, I have a 50mm lens that I use for museums and churches. Perfect your lean/inhale/squeeze the shutter!


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