Sunday, May 1, 2011

Prayers and Candles

My dear friend Steve in Paris left me a message on Facebook saying on his way home from work, he planned to stop at Notre Dame and light a candle for those whose lives have been devastated by the recent tornadoes here in Alabama. I was touched by this. I couldn't find a photo from Notre Dame, but found this from the Église Saint Paul-Saint Louis  in the Marais.  As the people of our state and the SE continue to try and get  their lives back in some order, your prayers, kind thoughts, and donations are so appreciated.


  1. I understand something of what you're going through, Virginia. My thoughts and prayers to you and your community and the animals. Big hugs. x0

  2. So beautiful, appropriate, and touching, Virginia. Having experienced the devastating flood in Tennessee last year, I am particularly sympathetic. May angels surround all those affected.

  3. Having family in Alabama, I am touched by your words and by today's posting.

  4. A very nice thought about sending prayers and wishes to those who are in such need. Unbelievable at the amount of devastation in a single week...

  5. My heart has broken over all the devastation, Virginia...which we're seeing here on CNN Int'l here in The Netherlands. I know the devastation also entered Georgia, where my kids live. Too close for comfort, as we say. God have mercy on us all. Thank you for the image that is our collective prayer!

  6. Shell, I know you understand after what the people in your country experienced not so long ago. Thank you.

    Ginnie, I'm glad to know your kids are safe in Atlanta.

    Thirty Two, yes, and it seems to get worse as the workers uncover more and more.

    Belgium, I hope your family are ok.

    Parisian Heart, I didn't know you lived in TN. I think there was torando damage there as well!

  7. Holding all who have experienced the devastating storms in my prayers. This had brought back the memories of hurricane Ike. We are all reminded of the random wrath of nature! Bon dimanche!

  8. Steve is such a dear man...we're still remembering his recent loss and hope that he finds comfort in the churches of Paris.

  9. Love the light of candles (who doesn't, anyway... :)
    God bless you!

  10. Can't imagine what it would be like to lose so much to the wrath of nature. Glad that you were spared, V, and holding all those affected in my thoughts and prayers. This is a lovely and fitting image.

  11. This is just lovely, Virginia - in all the ways, the sentiments, the why, the photo.

  12. Bonjour Virginia
    Ici en Belgique, nous avons aussi suivi sur Internet tout ce qui vous est arrivé et je suis bien heureuse que vous ayez été épargnée.
    J'adore Paris et vos photos,merci du partage.
    Hello Virginia
    Here in Belgium, we also followed on Internet all which arrived at you and I am very happy that you are saved
    I like Paris and your photos, thank you for the division(sharing).

  13. Your friend is very kind, and today's image is a good one to encourage reflection.

  14. A good thought for May 1st, and we will keep all those affected in our hearts and prayers.

  15. Love these candles and bless Steve's heart for his actions... Thank you for your photo as we continue to pray for the losses in Alabama and beyond.



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