Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Printemps à Paris?

Well non.  I've never had the pleasure of experiencing avril in Paris, so this is a little stretch.  This charming flower shop near rue Mouffetard was on our beaten path to and from the Metro the summer of '09.  Brings back some sweet memories pour moi!

It's not avril in Paris just yet but go ahead and enjoy this tune


  1. We love these photoblogs because we are not there to see it for ourselves. This is very nice. Wish I were there to see it in person.

  2. Das neue Header-Bild gefällt mir so sehr!!!Ich liebe diese kleinen romantischen Blumenläden!Tolles Foto!
    liebe Grüße

  3. Weather forecast for Paris today: High 60 Low 39 -- I'd say printemps has arrived. Lovely photo to welcome the season.

  4. Its not Avril in New York either ... rain/snow/sleet here .. FEH

  5. Or Avril in LA. (Thank heavens you didn't travel out here at this time of year.)

    charming photo.

  6. Is this the same flower shop that you posted earlier with a handsome gentleman in the photo too???
    Love the colors of the flowers...Parisians know how to do flowers!!!

  7. Kathy,
    Mais oui, the same flower shop without the hunky Frenchman. Quelle dommage~! HA

    Looks like Paris is where we all need to head right now although I"d bet some euros that they will have plenty of avril showers in Paris.

  8. Paris has rain in every month which is fine by me... I love these flowers and herbs you are showing. Even the rough wood boxes are perfect for display... so very Paris!

  9. Since you don't mind the cold, you would probably love April in Paris.

  10. Starman, Just about any weather in Paris suits me just fine. I"ve found a way to take photos in it all! Pouring rain is a little tricky but sometimes I have a nice friend that will hold my umbrella! :)

  11. Spring is the best time to visit Paris and London, too.
    Best regards,

  12. Gorgeous, V! Springtime in Paris—ah, I'll be there demain!

  13. Eiffel Tower evacuated after bomb threat

  14. Spring is such a wonderful time for photography. Thanks for bringing us the Paris version.

  15. If you want to make it in April, you have to hurry up booking! (Of course summer is better for icecream!)

  16. Happy to hear that the scare at la Tour is nothing to worry about!

    I have wine all over my keyboard! :) Perhaps that offer is enough to persuade me to fly standby in the summer when I"ll most likely be stranded in Paris!

  17. I simply LOVE the flower shops in Paris!!! In this photo the bright colours of the flowers constrast perfectly the surroundings.


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