Monday, December 20, 2010

Slipping and Sliding at the Hötel de Ville

Last year ( and I'm assuming this year as well), the city of Paris created a giant ice rink in front of the gorgeous Hôtel de Ville ( Paris City Hall).  This is a poorly composed photograph but I thought you might enjoy it as I did when, on closer inspection, I noticed the petit garçon in the right corner who was struggling to keep from falling.  I wish I'd noticed him at the time and I'd have stayed with the little fellow as he learned to skate!


  1. I'd have to give this a whirl. And I'd possibly give le petit garçon a run for his money. {Or would it be, "a slip for his money?"}

  2. I suspect right now there might be too much snow to skate.

    When are your departure and return dates?

  3. Nice blog! I signed up and wish you a Merry Christmas !

  4. Virginia, they were setting it up about 2 weeks ago so it should be in operation while you and Mary are there. Three years ago they had all the ice rinks up by the first of December for all the holiday visitors, but not sure why they have been later in recent years.

    Are you and Mary going to skate? Who will be taking those photos...

  5. Just amazing how a four season can bring different activities possible at the same place... cheers !

  6. I beg to differ in your assessment of your photo. It has all the elements of good composition, I think. The line of skaters leads the eye right into the picture; the straight uprightness of the building behind is almost a comic contrast to the various angles the skaters find themselves in. I like the young man in the middle - he seems concerned about the little boy you mentioned who was floundering.
    Good job!

  7. Terry,
    How nice of you to say so. It's always good to hear the opinions of other photographers.

    You are so right. In 2009 they had garden plots there during the summer!

    Believe it or not, I've never ice skated and I'm sure not starting that foolishness at this stage of my life! :)

    5-13 janvier.

    Thanks for following my blog. Come by often!

    I can envision a SS illo! :)

  8. Not poorly composed .. a totally wonderful spontaneous shot of people having a grand time!

  9. hello Genie, thank you for your kind words on my blog~much appreciated. you know that your blog is one of my regular "fixes" thank you for sharing. warmest regards Colette

  10. The ice skating rinks (there is one in Montparnasse also and sometimes even on la Tour Eiffel, on the first level) are set up up every year around the middle of December until late February, early March.

  11. Love this shot. I wouldn't be able to skate AND take pictures—guess which one I'd choose. How about you, V?

  12. Oh l'hotel de ville - I expect to see THAT kiss any time now... ice-staking of course!

  13. Fun shot!!! I like that there's plenty of room for everybody to skate...They constructed a small ice skating rink in the parking lot of one of the restaurants here, way to small to really enjoy!

  14. Starman,
    You are the best expert on all things Paris. I think we should have hooked up long ago and done this blog as a team. I thank you for all the links and details that you share with me and my readers.

    oh yes THE KISS! :)

    This is a wonderful rink and just look at the gorgeous backdrop!

  15. I would tend also to disagree that this is poorly composed, on the contrary, one cannot help but be enchanted by all the slices of life here, like in a Bruegel painting of ice skaters in Holland centuries ago. The young lady in the center is enchanting also in her simplicity of form.

  16. Owen,
    Merci. I always enjoy your take on my photographs. I hope we get to have some time to shoot together very soon.
    a bientôt,

  17. Delightful photo. I love that it is in B&W.

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