Saturday, December 11, 2010

Morning Snowfall - Merci

Perhaps this needs some explanation.  Last January's snowfall found us strolling the streets of the Marais.  We went right to * Merci and found this charming café on the lower level.  This employee was chatting on her phone while overlooking the snow covered courtyard garden.
* see header photo


  1. What a lovely little garden you found. Merci, indeed! You're just itching to get back, aren't you?

  2. I think that I left plenty of snow (yet to come) for you in Paris... You should have many opportunities for great shots like this one.

    Do be careful what you wish for as I "wished for snow" and there was the most snow in Paris for 23 years this week... eek!

  3. I love seeing this other perspective of Merci. And the B&W suits it beautifully, V. Lovely!

  4. Bel controluce e altrettanto bella ambientazione


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