Thursday, December 23, 2010

En Hiver Et En Été

Today I take a break from the holiday photos on my Birmingham blog and thought I'd do so here as well. I found this little café at the Village St. Paul last January and again this past June. Vive la différence!


  1. A very cozy little cafe, glad to took time to enjoy a cuppa...
    メリークリスマス !

  2. Merry Christmas, Virginia! It's nice to know that we have enjoyed some of the same areas in Paris. I'll check back after Christmas.

  3. And both lovely in their own way. Paris seems a city for all seasons.
    My best wishes to you, V, and to those you love, for a very happy Christmas.

  4. I thank you all for taking the time during this busy season to leave me such wonderful comments. I hope you all have a blessed time with family and friends.

  5. I think that you should see this lovely vista in spring and autumn also... very nice seasonal perspective, V.

  6. Love the seasonal difference! I vote with Genie, let's go check it out in Spring!


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