Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Church Series - Candles

Notre Dame,  probably the most visited church in Paris. For good reason.  I learned early on that she is too magnificent to capture all at once. Her beauty lies in the details.


  1. Absolutely! Applied everywhere, in fact

    Sante, as Captcha reminds me...

  2. Am in total agreement with you there—and this is one of its simplest but loveliest. Bon dimanche, V.

  3. Who was it who said that "God is in the details" ? In any case, beautiful photos like this one can often be found by looking ever more closely at things, at the details...

    Hope your holiday weekend was a good one !

  4. My dream is to go to Paris for the first time,and shop at SHAKESPEARE & CO,and buy a copy of THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, and sit in the church reading it! Wonder if it will ever come true?
    I've been to Europe, but not to France!

  5. Virginia, I think that there could be thousands of photos of ND and still not truly capture it all. Love this detail you shot.

    Oh Gary, you should just plan to go and Virginia and I will help you fill your dance card with things to do (after you read your book)!


  6. Do it, Gary!

    I need to practice what I preach. I'm really missing Paris today.

  7. Have you been there for a service, yet?

  8. Gary, I wish you could join us as well.

    No I"ve not been there for a service. IT's too crowded most of the time. Only in the dead of winter is it calm enough to really enjoy.

    Thank you all , I love your comments so much. I"m very busy now and don't feel I get around and comment here as much as I should.

  9. What a lovely sight, it really puts me in the Holiday mood.

  10. Sounds like a grand idea to me there Gary, can we all tag along.

    Lovely lights, lovely lovely Notre Dame!


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