Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Imite le Chef

I love this photo.  My Eva and Davis along with their Birmingham amis Katherine and Ethan happily prancing around one of the two Pol Bury fountains in the Gallery d'Oléans at the Palais Royal. Our families spent a magical afternoon there.  The adults sipped wine and savored the setting sun while the children ran up and down the arcade, threw rose petals in the air and made a little village in the dusty white "Paris dirt".


  1. Lovely photo -- and what a precious memory you made there. Thank you for sharing this idyllic moment with us.

  2. I love the little boy in the sunglasses with his striped trousers and hoppity-skip!

  3. I love the plethora of fountains in Paris.

  4. I agree—a sweet memory indeed! They look right at home too.

  5. Now, the reverse of that scenario would have had equally interesting results.

  6. I suppose you could spend an afternoon that way anywhere, but Paris makes it Paris, and that means it's perfect.

  7. A fun pic of the kids having fun!!! I like Hiker's idea though...I'd love to see the adults cavorting about the fountain...of course, with wine glasses in hand!!!

  8. You're description of the scene is as beautiful as the photo itself. Thanks!


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