Wednesday, November 17, 2010

" Madame, la boule."

Those of you that have followed this blog for quite a while will remember my delightful adventures with the pétanque players at Luxembourg Gardens, the summer of 2009.  The foursome that befriended me couldn't have been more entertaining and accommodating.  They took such pains to show me how the game was played and all about the scoring ( and the conversations regarding the scoring!). At one point I was instructed to go down to another court for a translation.  A wonderful Paris memory.  Today, the all important boule!


  1. Virginia, il faut écrire LA boule (féminin)!
    Quand je vois une boule de pé pense au sud de la France(Marseille,Saint-Tropez...)!

  2. Ah, French! feminine/masculine... whatever. ;)
    I loved playing this last summer in Provence!

  3. Ah yes, LA boule of course!

    Just to confuse you further, the gender changes with the ball's size:

    Feminine :
    LA boule (petanque)
    LA balle (tennis, table tennis)
    but masculine:
    LE ballon (rugby, football)


    Your photo is wonderful too and I'm so glad it is attached to such great memories.

  4. And going back in time I enjoyed your post about Happy hour (yes it's becoming popular here).

    Also I've just been at Shell Sheree's and I was delighted to see that she chose several of your Paris photos as a source of inspiration. She and you are so talented you make a wonderful pair!

  5. Se non ricordo male il gioco delle "bocce" è considerato Sport Nazionale Francese

  6. Merci to my dear French amies who help me along. Alice emailed me as well. This is what I told her:
    "Merci, j'ai encore besoin d'aide!" I hope that said, "Thank you, I still need help!" M. Dupre comes today and we will work hard.

    And Nathalie, this photo does bring back nice memories of a morning spent with 4 delightful gentlemen that decided that this crazy American photographer could "join their circle" for a time.

    Claudine, Jilly has done some very nice photos on Menton or Monte Carlo on the boules players in the south of France.

  7. Virginia -- Love the close-up black/white detail of LA boule. I wondered how the rapid-speaking Frenchmen were explaining the scoring to you. Next time you will be having the conversation with them.

  8. I'm in Harry Potter mode this week - the boule looks just like a snitch!

  9. Pétanque is quite popular along the banks of the Canal d'Ourcq, where I live. I once tried to get Paris Karin to play a game with me but she was too shy. I'll send her to this post for inspiration and to a bar for liquid courage!

  10. Paul,
    I played in the countryside last summer and it was great fun. Ours was not a serious game however! If the weather is decent enough in January, I'll challenge you to a game. Liquid courage will be welcome! :)

  11. You're going to Paris in January? You are a glutton for punishment.


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