Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Paris Rouge XXXV - The Awnings

Paris Rouge today is for my Paris ami Laurent,  over at Daily Photo in Paris.  Laurent often dedicates his Paris rouge photos to me and I'm always so honored.  I'd like to return the favor today.  Today we take yet another trip to the Marais.  I like these red awnings , that perhaps have seen better days, and the vines that were turning colors that November afternoon.  It was my first visit to the Marais and I've loved it ever since.  At one time I had a photo with the name but I think it's gone to the trash bin during a major photo housecleaning.  Perhaps one of my dear readers remembers the name??

MERCI Laurent for supplying the name: Chez Mariane in the Marais. It was on the tip of my tongue!

It is my pleasure to introduce yet another Paris blog that has won my heart.  Our friend Julie at Sydney Eye, has just returned from another trip to Paris and thankfully has started a new blog  à pied dans les rues de Paris so that we can all enjoy her magical photographs. I told her last night that seeing  hers makes me want to fold up my tent and go home, but of course I cannot.  I love it too much. Please run right over and see her lovely blog and follow it daily!!


  1. *blush*

    Thank you, Virginia. I know you cannot fold. You are too too in lurv, my friend.

    You are the light to my dark; the silk to my hessian; the croissant to my scone; the bubble to my froth.

    One day our paths will cross on a bridge somewhere ...

  2. I love the awnings of cafés in Paris! Great shot; I'm sure your friend is glad they get the dedication.

  3. So picturesque ~ another of those 'postcard' shots, V!

    All the best to Julie for her new Paris blog!

  4. Merci pour le lien et pour le Rouge ! Merci également pour m'avoir permis de découvrir le blog de Julie qui est magnifique.
    And finally I have the place name ! It's the restaurant called " Chez Marianne" on the corner of the Rue des Rosiers and the rue des Hospitalières Saint Gervais.

  5. Love those awnings.
    RYN: We've been to the Marmottan many it's one of my favorite musées. I like it even more now that they've added the extra space.

  6. Oh, I forgot. I was surprised that none of the Marmottan paintings were included in the show at the Grand Palais.

  7. Love all the beautiful fall colors here—both the awnings and the leaves. Have been by Julie's swell new Paris blog; it's so worth a visit. V, I predict that one of these days you'll be doing this in English AND French too!

  8. Julie ,
    I"m flattered but you need to read the nice comments here and see how many of us appreciate your brand new blog!

  9. Autumn colors and a rouge awning - what a delightful way to celebrate the season.


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