Saturday, October 16, 2010

Go Ahead, Write Your Own Title!

My good friend, photographer extroidinaire David McMahon started this little contest on his Red Bubble site, and I have had such fun each week that I unashamedly copied him.  Last week on my Birmingham blog, David was declared the winner by the judging firm of Gilbert & Blough.  This week the contest moves to Paris.  The winner will be announced right here on Monday.  Enter as many times as you like.  In David's words, "I'm throwing down the gauntlet, NOW!"

David has returned to blogging after a year away.  Go over and say , "Gday!"


  1. I love this shot!!! No wonder you mirrored it

  2. "I know I've forgotten something . . ."

    or: What happens when you share a closet with a (large) man.

    or: "Jean-Pierre will never miss his shirt."

    or: She forgot the "boyfriend jeans" to go with the "boyfriend shirt".

    This is fun, V!

  3. "Studio Apartments Getting Smaller In Paris!"

  4. Claudia was feeling very shirty about the ever-escalating traffic difficulties in Paris.

    This is fun, V! And David's an Aussie ~ so all the better. ;) Reminds me of Petrea's Zen Monday, too.

  5. Alors! Who put le chessboard beside le pedestrian crossing?

  6. "I'm too sexy for my shirt
    Too sexy for my shirt
    So sexy that it hurts."

  7. Some days you just have to get out of the house....even if the laundy isn't done.

  8. "All right! Who put the super-glue sur la rue?"


Merci pour votre comment!