Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dites Fromage

Well yesterday we had wine, today some nice cheese from the fromagerie on rue Mouffetard. Parfait!


  1. Lovely, lovely. I am standing on an intersection on Rue Mouffetard today. A street like no other ...

  2. The lighting in this photo is so beautifully soft. The creamy colors are a perfect blend with the cheese.

    Baguettes on Monday now that we have le vin et les fromages? I wish we were there with Julie!

  3. Miam-miam -- Love the golds and greens in the transparent bins.

  4. Looks scrumptious, V! And a fine way to keep pastries in balance.

  5. Yes, I'm smiling, V! You (and whoever dressed this vitrine) make these cheeses irresistible. Don't know if I can face the low-fat, high-fiber breakfast now. :~}

  6. Man, that looks so good. Almost as good as the wine yesterday ;-).

  7. Years ago there was a study about cheese...American cheese vs French...they studied the droppings of rats (I think it was rats) after eating cheeses from the different countries....the results indicated that the cheeses from France were well digested, while the American cheeses, with all the pasteurizing, where not...

    I knew there was a reason I liked the cheese in France so much!!!

  8. I love cheese ... what the heck is in those glass containers .. colored fungus?

  9. Nos fromages les avez-vous goûtés ?
    lequel préférez-vous ?


Merci pour votre comment!