Friday, September 24, 2010

Le Cimetière du Montparnasse

Today's photo might be the last LARGE one you see for a while. Just when I'd learned how to enlarge them with the help my blog tech advisor Peter last summer, now Blogger tries to make it all better. Well maybe they've listened to our comments and maybe they've made it a blogmare.  As of now, I'm stumped. Genie has promised to help me. ( If all else fails, JB is waiting in the wings with dread no doubt).  Stay tuned.

Merci mille fois, mon chère Katie who sent me a beautiful postcard from Paris yesterday.  Katie is on her annual fall Paris holiday,  which we all enjoy vicariously.  Visit her great postcard blog here.


  1. As you can see from my last post, I'm a sucker for photography in cemeteries.

  2. Nice shot! I love cemeteries too. I took some shots of one the other day in the Alps, but they didn't turn out as it was night and no tripod. :-( Ah well, I guess I'll just have to keep the memory in my head.

  3. This door would have been magnificent when it was new but it is beautifully captured by you with the many colors of "change." The shadows and light are wonderful.

  4. That's character. And it matches autumn/fall so beautifully! Bonne chance with figuring out the pic sizing, V.

  5. This is fabulous, V! Was in Paris for my daughter Lila's 18th b'day and how did she want us to spend it?—all day in Pere Lachaise with a camera! (We had a great time, of course, and went through many, many rolls of film.)

  6. I maybe bias but I like rusty subjects. Nice find and photographed.

  7. All you need to do is change to the 'new' editor and one of the options is that you can post your photo in the original size ... or make it small, medium, large or extra large..

  8. Cette porte rouillée ferme une tombe qui doit être ancienne!
    Virginia, n'oubliez pas de dire ma chère Katie et non mon chère Katie! Katie est une femme !

  9. Claudine,

    We figured that out after we'd wrestled with the HTML!

    The Paris cemeteries are so interesting. You could spend a day.

  10. That's what I thought...a cemetery door - probably to a crypt. You heard about the dead guy who walked out of the cemetery, right? He decrypted the death code.

    Sorry. That's pretty lame.

    By the by, I posted a shot of Lois on top of Notre Dame on Paree today -- you should have seen her climb up there. It was amazing and magical!

  11. I too love photos in cemetars. there is a poetry about them especially in Paris. Carla

  12. There is something about doors especially ornate ones, even in the Cemetery. But cemeteries are somehow mysterious, poignant and poetic all in one.


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