Monday, September 6, 2010

100 French Strangers - Nutella Crêpes

French Stranger #69

A little confession today. Until this past week, I had never tasted Nutella. I know what you're thinking, I'm wondering the same thing. My granddaughter Eva gave me a spoonful, and I've been fighting the urge to run down to V. Richards Market, buy a jar, grab a spoon and hide in the closet ever since!! While I'm baring my soul, I'll add that I've never had a crêpe in Paris either. More reason that I must go back, very soon and remedy all of that.

Now I have managed to photograph some friendly folks that make those delightful crîepes, and today is no exception. Capturing her terrific smile was yet another reason why J'ADORE my 100 French Strangers Challenge!

From Snapshots to Photographs
I will be beginning a new series of 5 Monday evening classes in the Birmingham area for amateur photographers that want to learn to take better photographs and have a lot of fun doing it! Contact me. virgjones at


  1. I think that, in France, if you haven't had a Nutella Crepe by your second birthday, your parents get sent to prison!

    It's some kind of old law that everyone still obeys!

    All the best


  2. Awww, she's cute! I can't believe both things you said here. No Nutella? No crepes in Paris? Well, actually, I haven't had a crepe in Paris yet either, but we have a great place here in Ferney where we get wonderful crepes (including Janet's favorite that includes Nutella)!

  3. Mon dieu! No crêpes in Paris?? ....Well me either haha! She looks so happy - those French and their joie-de-vivre.

  4. I've had a few nutella crêpes... delicious!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I tried Nutella but didn't really care for it. Maybe I'll give it another shot one of these days.

  7. Virginia, she is just beaming and why not? She has access to Nutella all day long! Great portrait!

  8. What a smile! Virginia, you also could say: "Une crêpe au Nutella". But just one, ok? ;-))

  9. A very dangerous item to keep in the pantry, V. I'll bet this lovely lady's crêpes taste happy!

  10. I actually remember my first taste of Nutella—what a revelation. Don't dare keep it in the house, as you now know why! I'd buy a crepe from this lovely young lady—and may I say that your portraits just blow me away, V? You obviously have chutzpah and charm as well as talent!

  11. My daughter and I had lined up to taste a nutella crepe within a day or two of arriving in Paris. It was such a sight - to see the jars stacked along the counter. We had discovered nutella years earlier but never on crepes. Did you know that one tablespoon has about the same amount of calories as a tablespoon of peanut butter? It's not a bad choice if you have it on toast in the morning. The joy of life is evident in the crepe maker's eyes and smile. Great photo!

  12. I like Nutella and I love crepes but not together. You might want to check out David Lebovitz's post on "American chocolate paste".

  13. Nadege,
    Thanks for David's link. I love me some David Lebovitz! I just finished "The Sweet Life in Paris". I dont' stock Nutella Chez Virginie because I would "plow right through a jar" in no time flat. ( I'll just sneak over and have some of Eva's when I need a fix!)

    Oui, Nutella is the obligatory jar at every crîepe stand!And I'm glad to know it's healthy!! WhoohoooO!

    What is not to like ???

    HA, chutzpah might be the key word here, but I try to temper it with a little charm and a smile.

    Une crêpe, Une crêpe, une crêpe, DEUX crêpes??? :)

    "tastes happy". I love that.

    thank you for your visit and your comment!

    I agree. Maybe she's happy because she slips her spoon in that jar occasionally!

    You'll have to switch to my sweet crépe girl from your Crêpe Nazi! HA

    That's hilarious. Lock em up!

    Somehow I just new that J would love these.

  14. Savez-vous faire les crêpes? Je les aime avec du sucre!

  15. Cluadine,
    Je pense que je vais préférer Nutella! :)

  16. She's so cute and I love Nutella but I don't buy it very often because I could just sit and eat the whole jar and with crepes its sooooooooooo good....Barb

  17. I love,love,love your blog!!!!
    Such great photos of Paris....

  18. Be careful with the Nutella (manufactured in Italy), there is nothing more full of calories! The European Union tries to impose a law where they must indicate on the jars that to consume it means a risk of obesity, like the warnings on the cigarette packages. Will it have the same effect as the warnings on the cigarette packages - no effect on consumption? Today, we ware warned about everything. What can we consume with good conscience? (I'm not a Nutella fan, but I know that it's a favourite of all kids, including mine.)

  19. Barb,
    Thanks for your comment. Yes she was a wonderful subject to photograph.

    Thanks for your nice comments. Visit often.

    Not to worry, Nutella, as delicious as it is, will be something I'll save for a treat in Paris!

  20. Ah !!! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella ! Nutella !

  21. Nutella?! Almost better than Amarena Gelato! Now to go make a Nutella sandwich.

  22. I had my first Nutella crêpe in childhood.

    Before I ever tasted peanut butter - which is basically same thing, except that Nutella is another nut and contains chocolate too.

    I have as yet not had peanut butter on crêpes though ...

  23. Nutella or a Crepe in Paris , what was going on ?? Unbelievable :-)

  24. I just stumbled upon your blog this evening...and it was so funny...just this evening, I was telling my friend about the WONDERFUL Nutella crepes (yes, I had to have one every day!) I had in Paris! I still dream about them...oooh la la!
    You MUST go back and get one, or two :-) Heaven!

    I love your photographs! Thank you for the trip down memory lane :-)


Merci pour votre comment!