Monday, August 16, 2010

Smoke Break

A very common sight in Paris. This Bofinger waiter in the Bastille, was grabbing a few quick drags. Paris has banned smoking inside but outside, it's business as usual!


  1. Oui, c'est une image très typique de la France!

  2. Good shot Virginia! and I love how we can see the iron creases in his apron - attention to detail?

  3. I almost wish they hadn't banned smoking inside because now you can't sit on the terrasse and enjoy your café ou vin without being surrounded by a fog of cigarette smoke. So ist das Leben.

  4. BTW, are you on Facebook or Twitter?

  5. Virginia, your details are perfect. I love the colors and how Mr. Smoker stands out in his stark white.

  6. Smoking used to look like a relaxing pastime, but now that they have to go outside to sneak a cig, smokers tend to look a bit desperate (like this guy, I think). I was going to say what Genie said—the black and white really pops against this dark red wall!

  7. I thought there was a total smoking ban in Paris. I'm not a smkoer, but I love this sticking it to the authorities.

  8. From what I understand Rob, it's only inside. If you sit at a sidewalk table it is permitted. Who has a gun big enough to stop the French from smoking everywhere?HA

    Shell, That's hilarious!

    Genie and Alexa, Oui, the colors popped. I tried it in BW but liked the color better!

    FB but I don't twit, tweet or whatever! HA

  9. Beaucoup de gens fument à l'extérieur car il est vraiment interdit de fumer à l'intérieur ! Ce serveur respecte la loi !

  10. Smoking inside is forbidden almost everywhere in Europe but outside it's legal.No state can forbid smoking outside.


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