Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rouge, Blanc et Noir

Just around the corner from Église Saint Severin

I'm sure you've guessed why I took this shot, not to mention the funky pattern on the tabletops. It's something I don't remembering seeing in a Paris café before. Add the rouge serviettes de table, and voilà!


  1. oui, c'est très chic et plutôt moderne...j'adore ce style

  2. The colours are so dramatic together, and that funky pattern is fun and unexpected!

  3. C'est assez rare de voir d'aussi jolies tables à la terrasse d'un café à Paris !
    Cet endroit donne envie d'aller y déjeuner ou dîner!

  4. Oh my old place settings would look apropos on that table

  5. Claudine,
    Absolument! Peut-être ensemble??:)

    I agree with Les reves, it is very moderne i think for a cafe, although I have seen some rather chic, sleek cafe decor!

  6. Pourquoi pas ! C'est une bonne idée !

  7. Nice capture, V. The table is gorgeous and different too, but that serviette rouge makes it!


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