Sunday, July 25, 2010

Un Dimanche Très Spécial á Paris - The American Cathedral

This charming balcony overlooks the courtyard
American Cathedral in Paris

This last trip to Paris I once again attended Sunday services at the beautiful American Cathedral in Paris. You might recall that I worshipped there in January as well. This day was a special one for me as I was able to hear Canon Jon Huyck give his last sermon. He and his wife and adorable baby son will be returning to the states as he will be the new Rector at Grace Church in Providence, RI. We met Canon Huyck last January after the service, and what a warm and friendly young man he was! That wasn't the only highlight that morning. The Lector for the service was revered American actress Olivia de Havilland, who now lives in Paris. She is still a beautiful, elegant woman, and her deep rich voice still strong as she read the Scripture. Un dimanche très spécial á Paris!

Canon Jon Huyck taken last January.


  1. That morning, you were so holy...and I was so heathen. C'est la vie!

  2. Ooops - twas a GORGEOUS shot the light and the olive tones under the arch - composition parfait!

  3. V, what a great earthly rewards for your early morning convictions! Canon Huyck, Olivia de Havilland, great photos, and not the least... a memory that will last a lifetime!

  4. Fabulous composition, V! I love that the cathedral is so conveniently located right up the street from the Crazy Horse Saloon.

  5. Alexa, It is? How did I miss that?


    Well I' TRIED!!

    Oui, fond memories.

  6. Never been there, but it looks interesting.

  7. Is a funny way to know about Paris, ur pics are fantastic :) ... thanks for sharing this information!

  8. Love the top shot V!!! And how fun to be there and hear Olivia de Haviland!!! She's one of my favorites!!!

  9. Great post! I hope you will share more with us. Thank you!


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