Sunday, July 11, 2010

Paris Rouge XXX - Afternoon Light

Today, another church in Paris, the lovely Église St. Paul- St. Louis in the Marais. I've been fortunate to photograph this church on several visits. This is a side entrance. The afternoon sun on the door and tiles was nice I thought.


  1. Beautiful - such rich colours. One of those images where the constraints of the photo 'frame' really help concentrate one's eye on the details.

  2. red+door+old wood+harlequin tile = fabulous composition!

  3. Rouge is your color today! This is just beautiful, V. You've got a great eye!

  4. Thank you all. I love this church. It's starting to feel like home I've been there so often. Not a really fancy one as Paris churches go, but lovely nonetheless. Since I stayed just blocks from here on this last trip, I took advantage!

  5. What is it about old wood, old paint and tile, that's so compelling? I love those details.

  6. I love this church, and you captured its beauty perfectly just by showing this one small corner. Very, very nice!

  7. Timeless and beautiful.

  8. Lighting is so great in this photo

  9. Fantastic, love the lighting! love the old churches in Europe.

  10. Very moody. I like it. I know it isn't true, but I often feel that the light in Paris is different somehow....


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