Wednesday, July 28, 2010

La Harpiste de la Rue

Of the many things I love about Paris, the street musicians most certainly are at the top of my list. What a delight to wander across a bridge, through the Louvre late at night or down into the Mètro and hear the sounds of a saxophone, the lovely voice of a singer or the jaunty tune of an accordian. Since I spent a lot of time in and around the Place des Vosges this last trip, I was fortunate to find some interesting and unusual musicians. Today, the harpist. I stood and listened for quite a while. He was very talented. It made for yet another Paris moment that makes me smile when I remember....


  1. Marvelous pictures Virginia!
    I just caught up with this blog of yours... as I am in France right now but way way south of Paris.

  2. Oh how charming this picture is...And how very lucky to see a harpist; its uncommon for buskers to lug a beautiful harp around with them!!

  3. I love the way his face almost echoes the visage on the wall nearby. And as FireintheBreeze says, lugging a harp? That's admirable!

  4. You also got a "Miss.tic" looking wall paint on your pict. Great !
    See Miss.Tic website :(

  5. Virginia, I imagine the Métro steps would present a real challenge to this instrument. I wonder if he ever wished he had selected perhaps a flute or clarinet?

    You did capture him in perfect hand position!

  6. Oh Laurent,
    THanks for the link. I thought at first you were telling me I had a MISTAKE! :) I'm not familiar with "her".

    Genie , Shell and Fire,
    Yes, I was thinking the same thing. He had a case for it. I should have watched him leave. Perhaps they have wheels? Now I wonder if he lived close by. The St. Paul Metro would pose a problem!

    I hope you are having a wonderful trip home to France.

  7. Wow—look at his gorgeous, long, graceful fingers (perfectly captured by you, V)! I'll bet it was a real treat to hear him play.

  8. Also one of the many things I love about Paris.

  9. Seems as if you were not the only one listening ...

  10. Thank you all for your comments. This one I've held onto . I don't know why but I tend to do that with special ones. Maybe I like to save them and hand them out a little at a time, like petits cadeaux?

  11. You do great portraits V!!! Love the lighting, the composition, and of course, the subject!!!

  12. Oh I love harp music don't you?
    Maybe we all have a memory somewhere way back.....of angels?

  13. What a lovely, rare, moment. Thanks for sharing.


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