Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dimanche Sur Rue Mouffetard IV - La Grande Dame

This lovely lady is in her 90's and from what I was told, she is there every Sunday rain or shine, year round. I photographed her last summer right here. This day she was doing a French line dance and having a swing with the dancer I featured yesterday. I think she is just ......grande!

I will be offering another 5 week series of photography classes, here in Birmingham, on Monday, July 26 from 1-3pm.
These classes are designed for amateur photographers that want to take better family and vacation photos. Contact me if you are interested.


  1. Look at that beautiful face - so happy and full of Joie de Vivre!!
    AND I'm sure she'll be there again next year.

  2. I'll be grateful to have that spring in my step when I'm 90 ~ delightful, V!!

  3. She looks much younger than "in her 90s"! A beautiful woman. Maybe dancing keeps one young!

  4. She is exactly who I want to be when I grow up: vivacious, chic—and dancing every Sunday in the rue Mouffetard!

  5. She's as lovely as the flowers in your header which made me inhale deeply with envy when I saw them

  6. Virginia, and everyone,

    Thought you,and some others might enjoy this website about Hemingway,and his experiences in Paris and Europe. I look at it most every day, as I do your website, as well.

    Enjoy! Gary

  7. Start with Kirk Curnutt's interview,and go back to read older posts. He talks a lot about Papa,and Fitzgerald in Paris!

    I also highly recommend Kirk's book, COFFEE WITH HEMINGWAY. I have a signed copy!

  8. Gary,
    Bienvenue! I'm so glad you have left us this great link. Merci.

    Yes I agree with all of you that she is just a lovely lady and looks and acts much younger than her years. I hope I can follow in her footsteps!!

  9. I would never have guessed she is ninety.

  10. Hey V:
    Loved watching the dancers with you (and dancing)! Too bad it was a rainy day. I like your LinkedWithin widget. I'm going to try to add it to my blog too. Thanks for the idea!

  11. I have mentioned this dancing to my travelling companion and we will be there on our first day in Paris, Sunday 19 September.

    PS. My grand-daughter has arrived. Alannah Jane.


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