Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shower the People You Love with Love....

Even a civil ceremony at the city hall deserves a shower of multi-colored rose petals, n'est pas?
(Try and guess how excited I got over stumbling on this find yesterday!)

Alabama computers don't understand Paris time and I'm too weary to figure it out. For the duration of this trip, blog posts will appear whenever the PC and I feel up to it. We won't disappoint , but we do not promise punctuality! Vive la France!


  1. Oooh, pretty! I'm guessing you were so excited, you were lucky not to slip on those petals in a spectacular fashion. And any time you post is just perfect, V ~ relax and enjoy!


    Keep them coming any time!

    Enjoy your stay-you are so lucky!

    Wish I was there!

  3. Are you sure those lovely petals weren't put there just for you? I think the photo fairies have definitely joined you on this trip! Can't wait to see what other amazing scenes you stumble on.

  4. Lovely .. seems as if petals are a theme du jour

  5. Champagne and roses...
    That Is a nice start!!

  6. I think Paris is very happy you're back.

  7. Paris is six hours ahead of the eastern US. 18h00 in Paris is noon in Fort Lauderdale. It's 7 hours for Alabama. 18h00 in Paris, in Montgomery 11h00 (11 AM).

  8. Yes, I agree with Katie...those cute little photo fairies are with you on this trip!!!

  9. I'll agree with the "photo fairies" premise—except you're the one with the great eye and camera ever at the ready! Hope you see LOTS more photo ops that please you while you're there.
    My WV is unioniat. (Aalmost sounds like French for some kind of marriage ceremony, no?)

  10. La vie en rose. You've found it! We are so lucky that you have such a great photographer's eye.

  11. Marvellous... the only thing better than finding them on the steps there after the wedding party passed through would have been to find them still swirling in the air around the bride and groom, perhaps with a little flying rice to boot ?

    But already they make a colorful carpet there...

    Hope to see you tomorrow ! Looking forward to a day in Paris !

  12. You have such an eye. Another gorgeous detail to feast on.

  13. Mon amie, between you and Paris it's impossible to disappoint me!


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