Saturday, June 12, 2010

La Grande Mosquée de Paris

The Grande Mosque de Paris, located in the 5 eme, is the largest mosque in France, and the second largest in Europe. We passed it many times on our way to the Jardin des Plantes. For you Paris, je t'aime fans ( oh I know who you are! ) , you'll find it familiar.


  1. Glorious against that sky, V! And I love the colour of those roof tiles.

  2. I've ridden past on a bus many times.

  3. Had I not known that I was on V's delightful Paris blog, I would've sworn this was a shot of the Griffith Park Observatory here in California...LA area...
    Love the shot V!!! The bright blue with the white building contrast and all the interesting architectural lines...

  4. Mais oui, you know who I "are"...shall we have mint tea there next week??? Hmmmmmmmmmm?

  5. Love this place—but if I didn't know it was Paris . . .
    Meanwhile, I'm actually finding myself looking forward to YOUR trip. You are such a luck dawg!

  6. what a nice contrast they make against the blue of the sky and the green tiles


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