Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bienvenue `a Paris

Place des Vosges

What better way to start my first day in Paris. Merci Peter!

BLOG WARNING: This poor Alabama laptop doesn't know which end's up. Paris time, B'ham time it's totally confused. Therefore, posts will show up when I feel like it and when the computer feels like it. Stay on your toes!

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  1. Welcome, welcome, Virginia. Looks to me like you had the best welcome - champagne AND the divine Peter. What more does a girl need!

  2. Jilly, I thought just my face had jet lag but apparently my brain has a well! I can't figure out when to post this blog! And yes, it was a wonderful welcome. We chatted about you as well my friend!

  3. Yes, a perfect way to start your trip. Cheers to you! Have a wonderful time and I very much look forward to seeing your photos and hearing what you're up to in Paris! (Ooh, my WF is "expati" -- I think that's a message for you!)

  4. Have another glass of champagne for me. I promise I will go with you the next time. xoxo

  5. Peter's a good chap. Looking forward to the photo extravaganza.

    WV: Amensm.

  6. Looks like there are bubbles in that stuff !

  7. I've been thinking for 2 days "is she there yet?" - 'so happy you are back in Paris. I'll be living the Paris life through your photos.
    -Stephanie from Atlanta

  8. A la tienne! How did you like the flight?

  9. Oh yes, what a perfect start to your visit. Don't worry about when you're posting—we're probably all happy to see what wonders show up here whenever they happen to show up. I'm just thrilled to be able to have a vicarious voyage via your beautiful photos and heartfelt comments!

  10. Just found your blog(s) - still wondering how on earth you find time to run two, at opposite sides of the globe! Wonderful photos though - I look forward to exploring with you.

  11. Don't worry about when you post or what day the computer thinks it is. Just don't forget about us... we are waiting to hear about what you're doing/seeing/photographing.

  12. Cheers!!! Enjoy the tickling bubbles and don't give us all a second thought!!!

  13. V, We'll never leave you. Any old time is fine..........and YOU have a fine time mon amie!

  14. You have a great responsibility, which you always live up to, V. That is, we are all traveling along with you, seeing through that lens of yours. Thanks for sharing the adventure as hundreds of us gather 'round the table with you. I'm choosing to think of it as if I am a little dot of a spy camera dangling from your earring (hope you wear them). . .:-). Enjoy every moment to the max.


Merci pour votre comment!