Monday, June 14, 2010

100 French Strangers - The Organ Grinder

French Stranger #64

This man was performing right outside the Franprix on rue Mouffetard. If I've misnamed this instrument, please correct me.

Tomorrow..........Paris, the city j'adore!


  1. The B&W makes it. This is a wonderful shot.
    Bon Voyage ! Have a wonderful time in the best city in the world. And please say hello to Peter, Eric and everybody else you might meet up with, from me.

  2. Congratulations Virginia...I am sending you a post card of Le Pont du Gard. Can you send me your postal address please, xv.

  3. Safe travels, dear V, and woohoo, guess what ~ you and I both won Vicki's postcards. How wonderful!!!

  4. It does look like an organ of sorts, Virginia...a hand organ. Works for me. Enjoy your trip tomorrow. You won't be far from me! :)

  5. Wonderful photo! I believe it's called a "barrel organ," in French d'Orgue de Barbarie:

    Just found your site a few weeks ago and have been enjoying your photos of Paris SO much--thank you!

  6. When we were in our apartment in the 11é, an organ grinder came through the neighborhood. He would walk to the middle of the block, play his organ for a few minutes, and, if no one gave him money (I did), he would move to the next block. There were also a couple of walking bands that came by every once in a while.

  7. I love the framed drawing on the side of his beautiful Barbary organ! Wonder how many strangers you'll capture this time. Have a wonderful trip (and plant two bisous on Eric from moi, please).


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