Monday, May 24, 2010

Un Bon Déjeuner!

Last summer, Mary, Peter and I enjoyed a lovely lunch at Aux Marches du Palais near the Palais de Tokyo. ( A quick shot from our table. The composition could use some work!)

Merci to Travel for featuring this blog as one of


  1. Congratulations for being featured, Virginia. I totally agree with their choice of you!!!

  2. Woohoo, congratulations, Virginia ~ clearly they have excellent taste!

    A warm and inviting spot ~ did the fetching gentleman work there, or just visiting? He looks like he's happy to be there, whatever the reason.

  3. I think you would have been on their list even if it was 5, not 51. I look forward to my daily dose of Paris through your lens every day! Would love to lunch at this inviting place.

  4. What a handsome man ... and the restaurant .. table settings .. all lovely but what a handsome man

  5. WooHoo!!! Our V does it again!!! And well deserved I might add!!!

  6. You're becoming internationally famous.
    That's a nice looking resto, but one wonders when was the last time this guy washed those jeans?

  7. Congratulations Virginia. It's good to see your wonderful blog getting the attention it deserves. I agree with Sherree about the fetching gentleman. He looks the quintesential french homme.

  8. Thank you everyone and I"m glad you liked Monsieur! ;)

  9. Fabulous about your blog being featured! Photos like this show just why you were picked; a warm and inviting look into Parisian restaurant. As much as I'm delighted to see this well-dressed and handsome Frenchman, I'm actually more excited about the cool mosaic floor! I'll have to put this place on my list of places to try in September.

  10. Katie, Well I'll admit I didn't notice the flooring. Maybe smiling gentleman stole my eye! HA

    Thank you everyone. I"m of course very flattered that my blog was recognized. It's just the best fun to share my photos and memories of Paris with you alll. The fact that it is recognized is the the whipped creme on the chocolat mousse!

  11. The handsome man is the owner... he's very nice, speaks English and is there every day. This is a lovely little resto with great food. I used to work just around the corner, wonderful to see it featured!


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