Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sunday Afternoon on Rue Mouffetard

A familiar scene on rue Mouffetard. Sundays after the singing and dancing has concluded everyone makes their way up the street and they gather in small cafes to have coffee or wine and enjoy the day. I can hardly wait to relish this experience once again.


  1. Fabulous, Virginia! Says it all really - what we all love about France.

  2. What a lovely scene of conviviality ~ you'd be right at home in amongst it, Virginia!

  3. What fun—next time, I hope you get to dance too!

  4. Great expression on woman in foreground. (Hey, has that building been tagged?)

  5. Hiker,
    Oui, that whole little area has been of the stenciled urban art and some tagging of course. Peter did a nice post on this area around Mouffetard. You can probably do a search on his blog and find it.

    I'm not such a great dancer but maybe some nice fellow will ask me! I plan to go back my next trip and take many more photos. I might join this group right here!

  6. Oh V.. these monochromes are wonderful as is the new header .. and that lovely cafe with its charming chairs/tables ...

  7. Sidewalk cafés are the best things about any city, but no one does it as well as the French.

  8. I went down Rue Mouffetard last time I was in Paris, just a few weeks ago. I loved it :-)


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