Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just Playing in the Dirt - Palais Royal

I've told you how delightful it is to find photos from trips gone by that were "hidden" and I've
just discovered. Today I have three for you. Last summer we met our dear Birmingham friends, the Wilsons at the Palais Royal late one afternoon. Eva and Davis had great fun digging around in that white powdery Paris dirt!


  1. Oh. My. God.
    The first photo is adorable.
    I like the way she looks at you, beautifully opened eyes.

  2. What beautiful children, it's amazing how small people will find something to be creative with even when there is only dust to fashion!

    I've only just discovered your lovely blog and I'm sooo enjoying it!

  3. Half-heard just said what I was thinking. What a shame most of us lose that creativeness when we "grow up".
    Such adorable photos!

  4. They're just gorgeous! You've captured something quite special here, V.

  5. Such sweet innocence...captured so well, V!!!

  6. Yep, that famous chalky Parisian dirt. My French Fries are well-acquainted with it. Lovely pics.

    La Mom
    An American Mom in Paris

  7. Adorable children. I know you're a pro, Virginia, but I bet it's impossible to take a bad photo of them!

    I have some of the powdery Paris dirt in a bottle. My own Parisian real estate. I got it from the Luxembourg Gardens. ;)


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